



Vicky Chen 11.30.23


I had originally started out with Words as Materials by Nicole Fenton which gives a scope into how communication as a whole can alter and affect the way we communicate with either ourself and expanding outwards towards the public and their perception of what we are trying to communicate. In a way, communication is an arc or "continuum" of writing since it is a form of written communication. There are some instances within the reading where I understand where the author is coming from by honing in on the idea that writers are also designers. In a way, it is true because between designers and writers, the only difference that separate the two is the material that is being used. Designers have a ranged of materials that can range from physical medium to digital medium to create their vision/message, whereas writers would use words as to create their product, their idea, their voice.

In my case, writing has always been seen as grammar or English class through my perspective, but articles such as Interface Writing: Code for Humans and What has writing got to do with design? puts writing and language in a different limelight. I believe that these two articles connects the importance of writing and language throughout design whether it would be for interface design or even graphic design and historical lenses.

The overall design and look/feel of the binding website is to convey and reminisce traditional writing materials such as paper, pen, post-it notes, lines, and highlighter but in a modern, digital context. The traditional modern writing aesthetics is a take on the combination of the three article pages about how far writing has come down to and how it has been integrated and perceived in the design world as of today.


Cabinet Grotesk Variable, Monaspace Neon

About Site

The "binding" is completed through a series of intertwined HTML page files and CSS file to create a "book" about writing and communication in the digital era.


Words as Materias by Nicole Fenton

Interface Writing: Code for Humans by Nicole Fenton

What has writing got to do with design? by Anne Burdick